Hi! I’m Michelle and I’m so glad you’re here because it means you’re interested in Sparking Good. As in, you are interested in creating positive change for our world. And that’s great, because the world needs you!
The most important things in my life are my very cool daughter (who’s almost 20 and already sparking so much good in her unique way!), my family and friends, living wholeheartedly and bravely while having lots of fun, and my solopreneur work (that I love) as a Leadership, Team, and Organizational coach & facilitator for businesses and entrepreneurs.
Sparking Good started as the very personal idea for this road trip and is already taking on a life of its own as the giving part of my life and business that I’ve known I’d create all along, just didn’t know it would be like this!
So glad to have you riding shot-gun on the trip!
8-10 weeks 11,000 miles Endless carpool karaoke
The Sparking Good Across 48 States Road Trip launches June 7, 2017 to:
Raise awareness and $$ for non-profits and people in the US doing good for others
Spark positive change with a Small Acts. Big Impact. philosophy
Facilitate greater connection, curiosity, compassion, joy, kindness, and fun in these... interesting...times :-)
We'll do this through planned and spontaneous activities and events, street corner shenanigans, features and interviews, and whatever else comes to mind along the way!

The Inspiration
Like many good things, this came out of a moment (ok, some hours!) of angst and uncertainty.
In October 2016 I took the leap and left corporate to become an entrepreneur (leadership coach and consultant).
Exciting...scary...fun! My daughter had gone off to college and it seemed like a good time to go for it.
Got a great client and wasn't doing much (by design) to get other clients...so when my existing work with them was coming to a close a couple months ago, I had that angsty evening where I imagined the worst and was getting spun up about black voids of time and other "scary" things.
That wasn't very helpful, except that it got me to flip it and wonder:
If I look at this as a gift of time where I could do anything, before it gets much harder to be this flexible, what would I want to do??
In the back of my mind, I must have had that Facebook post that I'd recently seen...that most efficient 48 state road trip created by Dr. Randy Olson. Have you seen it?? (Link is at bottom of page...I want to keep you on this one a little while longer!) ;-)

OR text SPARKINGGOOD to 22828
email: spark@sparkinggood.org

These are all of the places I will be stopping on my journey!

Many thanks to this lovely friend for the amazing send-off party!

These are all of the places I will be stopping on my journey!
Makes you want to jump in the car, right?? (I know...not for everyone...so you can live vicariously, regardless!)
I wanted to use my business skills to be of service and to highlight the REALLY GOOD stuff that goes on in the US in balance to the focus on who and what's wrong. To show how generous and cool people are by crowd-sourcing it. And learn a lot myself while I'm at it. So here we are. :-)
(Oh, and...my work with that client got continued. All things I can do from the road! Pretty great, huh??)
Come Along for the Ride...
How You Can Help Spark Good:
1. Donate on this page to the (low budget) travel expenses, giveaways, and materials to make this thing happen. Estimated at about $4500 if enough people volunteer housing, meals, etc. Remaining funds will be donated to the non-profit you all vote for at the end of the trip!
In the spirit of Small Acts. Big Impact. I'd love to do this trip with donations of only $5 - $25 per person. And carry on if you want to give more!
2. Volunteer (without commitment from you or me yet!) by clicking here (short and simple 2-3 question Survey Monkey form) to:
Provide overnight lodging and/or a meal for me (and a +1 sometimes) in your home.
Tell us about local non-profits or people Sparking Good and we will highlight and/or feature them to raise awareness and $$$!
Participate in a group event in your area.
Organize a group event or speaking engagement (facilitated by Michelle) with a group you believe could benefit from greater connection, curiosity, compassion, joy, kindness, and fun. I'll follow up with you to work out details.
And... when you volunteer you'll be entered to get cool giveaways and shout-outs and fun stuff like that! And you won't even have fully committed yet. Pretty cool, yes?
This is a crowd-sourcing step where you can express interest in volunteering so we have a repository, and as the date of arrival gets closer, there'd be confirmation for things like lodging if we take you up on your generous offer!
This is the actual route. For the interactive version with estimated dates for each location when you click on the pin, click on this link. (The route starts in Raleigh, NC and heads south to Charleston)

3. Pass it on to your friends to solicit their help with any of the above if you think they’d be interested in Sparking Good. The more the merrier!
4. Follow the adventure via Facebook...who knows what will happen on the road (or how you'll be inspired to Spark Good in any moment)! #SparkingGood
5. Subscribe here to the Travel Blog Newsletter which will be sent randomly only when there's something interesting to share!
Dr. Randal Olson's blog with optimal road trip algorithms. Thanks, Randy!!
Thank you in advance for Sparking Good and being part of positive change!!
Small Acts. Big Impact.